Friday, February 4, 2011

This Modern Age

I'm grateful for modern technology. I sometimes think about what it would be like to not know that I'm having triplets until three babies popped out. I'm SO glad that we were able to find out early so we'd have time to prepare and be ready (ha!) for them. It's especially reassuring to have an ultrasound every couple of weeks and know that all three of my girls are still growing and developing as they should be and appear to be healthy.

An early ultrasound - a rare treat to get all three of them together.
My belly at 25 weeks. It may not look like much, but for me this is practically full-term size. (And I've gotten bigger in the week since I took this photo.)
At my last appointment, we tried a 3D ultrasound. Baby B was the only one who really cooperated and gave us a good picture.
I'm grateful that with Naomi and Jacob I was able to have relatively easy pregnancies with minimal medical intervention and natural births. But with this pregnancy, with all of the risks and potential complications, I'm grateful for the medical technology to help us all get through it comfortably and healthy.


Newell and Julienne Fam said...

I don't think you look small. I hope you can find something to wear in the last couple months, cause the last month was hard for me to find pants to fit comfortably! Do they have maternity pants for multiple babies? Can't wait to see pics of you when you are getting close. Hang in there! Thinking about you lots. So glad your mom will be there to help! I bet every week you will see a change in your size now. "Hugs" Love Julienne

AtoZ said...

What a great picture of one of your little girls. I bet you can't wait to see what they all look like. You look so beautiful being pregnant. The human body is amazing that it can change and make room for 3 new babies. Hang in there. So glad that your mom is there to help.